4woman Ladies

Links Links Links

This is an ever expanding list of cool links. Let me know if you know of a good site (especially if it's about women's health) or if you have asite of your own that you want listed.

Menstruation/Women's Health

Planned Parenthood Federationof America:Planned Parenthoodis a good place to go for low cost medical exams and counseling on birthcontrol. This site has lots of information on pregnancy, birth control,STD's and much more. They also have an extensive list of health/sexualityrelated links.

The Yeast InfectionHomepage is a funny, no-nonsense site explaining yeast infections anddescribing home cures. HIghly recommended. Let's just say I smell likegarlic as I type this.

The Museum of Menstruation.This is a fun site maintained by a guy named Harry Finley. who runs anactual Museum of Menstruation. He has pictures of old fashioned tampons,pads, and sponges, as well as news and notes on menstruation from all overthe place.

The Endometriosis AssociationInternational Headquarters runs a site all about edometriosis, somethingyou should check out if you suffer from bad cramps and other strange symptomsaround your period. One of their branches is TheEdnometriosis Association Houston Support Group, which maintains agood page with a mailing list.

Do you want to try yogafor cramps?

Power Surgeis a supportive site for women going into menopause.


The Feminist Majority Foundationmaintains a huge site with lots of different information on activism, politics,news, and health. Get involved! They also have an extensive listing oflinks.

Commerical Sites

Many MoonsAlternative Menstrual Products is a small company run by four womenalso offering cloth pads, the Keeper and single-use pads.

The Endometriosis Care Centeris a clinic for treating endometriosis. This site has lots of informationon endometriosis. See above for other endo sites.

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